How to Effectively Use Visual Studio Code as Godot's Editor
One of the annoying things I have to do when I perform a complete format of my system is make VS Code work nicely with Godot once again.
I haven't found a proper article that lists all the changes I need to make in order to have a decent developer experience, so this is going to be exactly that.
Visual Studio Code Extensions
I personally use two extensions for Godot:
The first one is a general extension that improves the integration between Godot and Visual Studio Code. It supports many features, from syntax highlighting to debugging and autocompletions.
Godot Files mostly improves syntax-coloring for files supported by Godot, such as .gdshaders. As of right now, I'm still testing it, but I'd recommend you give it a try.
Run the following two commands in VSCode's command palette (Ctrl + P) in order to install them:
ext install geequlim.godot-tools
ext install alfish.godot-files
Change the following godot-tools settings:
- Editor Path: Godot3: insert the path to the Godot 3 executable if you use Godot 3
- Editor Path: Godot4: insert the path to the Godot 4 executable if you use Godot 4
Godot Editor Settings
Inside Godot open Editor > Editor Settings and change the following ones:
- Network:
- Language Server:
- Show Native Symbols in Editor: On
- Use Thread: On
- Language Server:
- Text Editor:
- Completion:
- Idle Parse Delay: 0.1
- Code Completion Delay: 0.01
- Add Type Hints: On
- External:
- Use External Editor: On
- Exec Path: the path to the VSCode's executable (hint: if you're on linux you can find it by using whereis code in terminal)
- Exec Flag: {project} --goto {file}:{line}:{col}
- Behaviour:
- Auto Reload Scripts on External Change: On
- Completion:
Static Typing
I think static typing is great, and I try to use it as much as possible, even when languages don't support it or barely do. GDScript is not an exception to this rule.
Inside Godot open Project > Project Settings and change the following ones, be sure you have 'Advanced Settings' on:
- Debug > GDScript:
- Unassigned Variable: Error
- Untyped Declaration: Error
- Unsafe Property Access: Error
- Unsafe Method Access: Error
- Unsafe Cast: Warn
- Unsafe Call Argument: Error
- Narrowing Conversion: Ignore
I didn't come up with most of these changes, so here's a list of links I reference a lot: